The joy of every mother is to see her child grow strong and become very successful, besides, being hale and hearty is a prerequisite to achieving the former.


We are not alone in this world; we interact with the environment – filled with microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi amongst others.


A concerned mother knows the importance of immunization and the roles vaccines play in helping her child stay healthy; so she embarks on the vaccination journey, from birth, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 6 months, 9 months, and a year – with the child receiving series of protective antigens that will help his or her body develop antibodies to prevent diseases.


However, what most mothers might not understand is that there are vaccines outside ”the National Program on Immunization (NPI),” not funded by the government, but they are important and should be received by every child – the more antibodies your baby has, the more protected they are against diseases, the better it is for you as a family, as you don’t get to spend much money treating what could have been prevented.


So what are some of these vaccines your child should receive from a year and above?


First, as from one year, your baby should receive the following vaccines: Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR), Measles vaccine, Chickenpox vaccine, Cholera vaccine, Hepatitis A vaccine, while receiving booster doses for Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DPT) – this can be taken in the form of Pentavalent vaccine in Nigeria – it is difficult accessing DPT vaccine.


Furthermore, as from two years, your baby should receive typhoid fever vaccine, and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine against cervical cancer at 9 years of age (very important for females, besides, males should receive a different brand of the vaccine too: by males getting vaccinated females are protected).


A point you should know is that, the private facility your child receive these vaccines might choose to spread them from a year and above, but they cannot administer earlier than recommended, for example; typhoid vaccine can’t be given before 2 years, but can be received even when a child or adult is 3 years, 6 years, 18 years, and so on.


At Inocul8 we work towards a disease-free world, where communities are immune against diseases, that is why we ensure you can get vaccinated anywhere you: are home, office, market, hotels. Each shot makes you stronger than a disease that is why your health is important to us.


For more information feel free to contact and consult Inocul8 on 08160962414.

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